crate of the Fuel indexer contains a standalone GraphQL API server that acts as a queryable endpoint on top of the database. fuel-indexer
binary of the indexer project also contains a queryable GraphQL API endpoint. The
crate offers a standalone GraphQL API endpoint, whereas the GraphQL endpoint offered infuel-indexer
is bundled with other Fuel indexer functionality (e.g., execution, handling, data-layer contruction, etc).
To run the standalone Fuel indexer GraphQL API server using a configuration file:
fuel-indexer-api-server run --config config.yaml
In the above example, config.yaml
is based on the default service configuration file .
Fuel indexer web API
fuel-indexer-api-server run [OPTIONS]
Allow the web API to accept raw SQL queries.
Require users to authenticate for some operations.
--auth-strategy <AUTH_STRATEGY>
Authentication scheme used. [possible values: jwt]
-c, --config <CONFIG>
API server config file.
--database <DATABASE>
Database type. [default: postgres] [possible values: postgres]
--fuel-node-host <FUEL_NODE_HOST>
Host of the running Fuel node. [default: localhost]
--fuel-node-port <FUEL_NODE_PORT>
Listening port of the running Fuel node. [default: 4000]
-h, --help
Print help information
--jwt-expiry <JWT_EXPIRY>
Amount of time (seconds) before expiring token (if JWT scheme is specified).
--jwt-issuer <JWT_ISSUER>
Issuer of JWT claims (if JWT scheme is specified).
--jwt-secret <JWT_SECRET>
Secret used for JWT scheme (if JWT scheme is specified).
--log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
Log level passed to the Fuel Indexer service. [default: info] [possible values: info,
debug, error, warn]
--max-body-size <MAX_BODY_SIZE>
Max body size for web requests. [default: 5242880]
Use Prometheus metrics reporting.
--postgres-database <POSTGRES_DATABASE>
Postgres database.
--postgres-host <POSTGRES_HOST>
Postgres host.
--postgres-password <POSTGRES_PASSWORD>
Postgres password.
--postgres-port <POSTGRES_PORT>
Postgres port.
--postgres-user <POSTGRES_USER>
Postgres username.
Enable rate limiting.
--rate-limit-request-count <RATE_LIMIT_REQUEST_COUNT>
Maximum number of requests to allow over --rate-limit-window..
--rate-limit-window-size <RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW_SIZE>
Number of seconds over which to allow --rate-limit-rps.
Run database migrations before starting service.
-v, --verbose
Enable verbose logging.
-V, --version
Print version information
--web-api-host <WEB_API_HOST>
Web API host. [default: localhost]
--web-api-port <WEB_API_PORT>
Web API port. [default: 29987]